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Olympic Flame Dominican Republic
Markus WischenbartSponsor
Markus Wischenbart Icon
Markus Wischenbart has headed Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Club for the last 16 years. Since his entry into the Dominican Republic tourism industry in 2002, Markus Wischenbart has diligently lived his motto: “Everything is Possible.”Thanks to the vision and expertise of Markus Wischenbart, the Club has grown into a luxury vacation empire with more than 25 different resorts and accommodations across eight different locations. Mr. Wischenbart’s first venture with Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Club was the inception of Cofresi Beach & Spa Resort in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. It is amazing how much the luxury vacation provider has grown since.Phone:809-970-7777E-mail:[email protected]: Markus Wischenbart, tourismKeywords: Markus Wischenbart
809-970-7777 | View ProfilePuerto Plata, Puerto Plata Dominican Republic
ACHI BIZ SERVICES PTE. LTD. in Singapore is a Corporate Service Provider (CSP) duly registered with Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) UEN: 201415822C and Ministry of Manpower (MOM) Employment Agency (EA) Licence No.: 18C9185. ACHI is A Corporate Hallmark of International Biz Services for Incorporation, Corporate Secretarial, Compliance, Biz Consultancy, Book-Keeping, Accounting, Taxation, H.R Functions, Payroll, Immigration, Employment Cum Recruitment Agency, Etc under one roof.
(+65) 69048665 | View ProfileSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic Dominican Republic
Lifestyle Holidays Vacation ClubSponsor
Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Club Icon
Website : : PO Box 608, Lifestyle Tower Cofresi Beach 57000 Puerto PlataPhone : (809) 970-7777If you are looking to experience a luxury vacation, stay at a Lifestyle Holidays Vacations resort. There are multiple locations to stay at in Punta Cana and Puerta Plata in the Dominican Republic. Some of your resort choices include the Crown Suites, The Crown Villas, the Presidential Suites, the Royal Suites, and many more. By staying with Lifestyle Holidays Vacations, you will have access to white beaches, beautiful views of the ocean, golf courses, and endless island activities. Our restaurants and bars are extremely popular and have you eating amazing meals. Whether you are looking to relax or have an activity-filled vacation, the Lifestyle Holidays Vacation will offer you a once in a lifetime stay.
(809) 970-7777 | View ProfilePuerto Plata, Dominican Republic