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Olympic Flame Italy
Ostetrica Clementina Dell’OmoSponsor
Ostetrica Clementina Dell’Omo Icon
Ostetrica libera professionista a Firenze.MI PRESENTOSono un'ostetrica libera professionista. Mi occupo di organizzazione corsi pre parto, offro assistenza alla donna attraverso tutte le fasi della sua vita, dall'età fertile fino alla menopausa, passando dalla gravidanza ed il parto. Inoltre mi occupo di disfunzioni del pavimento pelvico.
3289036474 | View ProfileFirenze, Firenze Italy
Osteopathy; orthopedics; massage therapySponsor
osteopathy; orthopedics; massage therapy Icon
Trattamenti Osteopatici; Massoterapici; visite ortopediche; Tecar Terapia
347 391 7716 | View ProfilePaullo, Italy
Dr Alessio BiazzoSponsor
Dr Alessio Biazzo Icon
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View ProfileBergamo, Italy
Medical Marijuana for sale , Buy weed online UK, Buy Marijuana Online UK As well as Looking to buy quality marijuana strains with guaranteed delivery almost all over the world, Discover a wide range of cheap weed for sale on our website. Buy cannabis cookies online Europe Buy weed online Belgium Order medical marijuana France Weed for sale Italy Online marijuana store Spain. Buy weed online in
View ProfileBologna, Italy
Bernardini Oculoplastica GenovaSponsor
Bernardini Oculoplastica Genova Icon
Dr. Francesco P. Bernardini is a renowned oculoplastic surgeon who specializes exclusively in eyelids and the area around the eyes. Dr. Bernardini received subspecialty training in Aesthetic and Reconstructive Oculoplastic surgery.
+390108078121 | View ProfileGenova, Italy
CialisFarmacia.comSponsor Icon
Farmacia online di farmaci per la disfunzione erettile. Consegna veloce in Italia, prezzi bassi.Contact Email ID:[email protected] Name:MuzioBusiness Hours:09:00-18:00
+58 10 43336881 | View ProfileMilano, MI Italy
Worldwide WellnessSponsor
Worldwide Wellness Icon
Worldwide Wellness was created to support your health and wellness needs whether you are a world traveler or residing in your home. We want to make sure that you are taken care of wherever you may be in the world for almost any of your medical needs. Worldwide Wellness also recognizes the doubt that comes with traveling and being able to find affordable medical attention whether it’s enduring a stomach flu, a hangover or even jet lag, we want to be here to support you and help you move through your day with more ease. We are actively partnering with various esteemed doctors and nurses across the globe to establish more medical services at your disposal such as IV therapy, botox, facials, cryotherapy and more.Please drop us a message if you don’t see a medical service that you would like us to provide in your city or in a city that you travel to frequently and we will try our very best to accommodate your request.Worldwide Wellness has a 24/7 customer service chat to help you feel more supported in your medical needs. Keep yourself healthy with our premium support at all times and we look forward to servicing you in the near future!IV THERAPYHydro Boost, Immune Boost, Slim Boost, Myer's Cocktail, Stomach Flu, Beautify, Performance, Super Immune Boost, Hangover, The Ultimate, Recovery, NAD+ BoostCOVID TESTINGRapid Antigen, PCR Test, Rapid Antibody Test, Covid Antibody Test
(323)400-0372 | View ProfileMilan, Italy
Worldwide WellnessSponsor
Worldwide Wellness Icon
Worldwide Wellness was created to support your health and wellness needs whether you are a world traveler or residing in your home. We want to make sure that you are taken care of wherever you may be in the world for almost any of your medical needs. Worldwide Wellness also recognizes the doubt that comes with traveling and being able to find affordable medical attention whether it’s enduring a stomach flu, a hangover or even jet lag, we want to be here to support you and help you move through your day with more ease. We are actively partnering with various esteemed doctors and nurses across the globe to establish more medical services at your disposal such as IV therapy, botox, facials, cryotherapy and more.
(323)400-0372 | View ProfileRome, Italy
Pentobarbital nembutaleSponsor
Pentobarbital nembutale Icon
Gruppo Pentobarbitale è l’unica destinazione affidabile da dove è possibile acquistare Nembutal Pentobarbital online ai migliori prezzi disponibili.nel momento in cui riceviamo i dettagli dell’ordine da voi, lo stesso sarà messo nel processo di preparazione, seguita dalla consegna. I membri del nostro team imballeranno i vostri medicinali in modo sicuro e ve li invieranno in breve tempo. Potete aspettarvi da noi il meglio di tutto ciò che riguarda la qualità e la consegna puntuale del Nembutal Pentobarbital.Per cominciare, puoi essere certo che tutti i nostri prodotti Nembutal sono stati ispezionati e approvati dal nostro team di ispettori della qualità. Il pacco è sigillato, a prova di manomissione e garantito al 100% come autentico. Inoltre garantiamo e rimborseremo completamente se non sei soddisfatto del prodotto prima di provarlo. Il nostro Nembutal Pentobarbital in vendita ti aiuterà a liberare il tuo tempo e goderti i momenti di pace che hai trascorso molto tempo a cercare.
633236270 | View ProfileRome, Italy
Chirurgia e vacanzeSponsor
Chirurgia e vacanze Icon
Chirurgia e Vacanze, c’est l’assurance de bénéficier d’une haute qualité et des services de plus grands spécialistes à des tarifs extrêmement imbattables.
View ProfileRome, Italy
Milan ShiatsuSponsor
Milan Shiatsu Icon
Hi, I'm Davide and I would like to welcome you to my professional page as a Shiatsu operator and Qi Gong teacher in Milan and its province.After graduating in Biotechnology, ''I was discovered'' by Shiatsu , and after some initial resistance, I was transported into an incredible world, made up of tradition and ancient knowledge, of which today's world is rediscovering the value and necessity for their individual and collective well-being. Not a world disconnected from reality, but rather anchored in the awareness that ''feeling good'' means that every part of us receives the attention it deserves and nothing is overlooked, that is, only by looking sincerely at what works and what is perfected, we can begin to take action to take care of ourselves in every nuance of who we are.
View ProfileSegrate, Milano Italy
Biolabshop.itSponsor Icon
Peptides and SARMs of the highest quality, Check out the full offer of our store and tested products ?
+44 739 8562 456 | View ProfileRome, Italy
Yanabeauté Icon
La Tua Face Beauty Clinic a Milano-BreraYANABEAUTÉ sorge in una location su due piani nel cuore di Brera, in via Mercato 5, Milano.La Nostra Filosofia, i Nostri Protocolli, i nostri Macchinari, ed infine una Parte dei nostri Prodotti Cosmeceutici sono tutti made in LOS ANGELES.Ci prendiamo cura del tuo Viso con delle Tecniche Rivoluzionarie.(CA)Il nostro Laboratorio Estetico è specializzato nella cura del Viso. Effettuiamo Specifici Trattamenti di Estetica Avanzata e Trattamenti Estetici con i macchinari più moderni:- Il Miglior Trattamento Facial® di Milano: 4 Trattamenti in 1 ( Trattamento di Microneedling Esclusivo®: Sieri Biologique Recherche®- Trattamenti Anti-Acne, Anti-Macchie, Pori Ostruiti, Punti Neri, Rosacea, Rughe sottili, Pulizia del Viso Profonda con Hydrafacial®-Sistema Hydrafacial® 28 Brevetti: Idro-dermo abrasione Profonda per una pelle sempre Giovane- Cosmesi e Trattamenti IS CLINICAL®: Tecnologie di ultima generazione da Los Angeles- Cosmesi e Trattamenti Biologique Recherche®: Una Metodologia di cura basata sulla Personalizzazione
+393452708211 | View ProfileMilano MI, 20121, Italy